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Journaling & Meditation 

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My personal journey with journaling and meditation....


Like many people I needed to find a new outlet and way of looking after myself in 2020, journaling and meditation were both things that I has dipped in and out of in the past but now was time to to really use them as part of my self care routine. 


I started following instagram pages for journaling through the moon cycles and the wheel of the year, this gave me a focus as I prefer the prompt style of writing rather than free writing. It also gave me something new to focus on each time as I was moving forward. I also started listening to more guided meditations as I found I needed the space to get out of my head and into my body. I also love stickers and felt pens!

So what is journaling and how can it support you


Journaling can be done with prompts, giving you thoughts and ideas or can be done as free/ expressive writing (you can use a mixture) 


Journaling is about expressing yourself in a safe place, we often have lots of thoughts and feelings in our heads and else where in our bodies without having an outlet for them, this is where writing can step in. When we are struggling to express ourselves and find the right words we are using the rational left side of the brain, however if we move our thoughts into the more creative right side of the brain we are able to be more creative as we write. The more we use writing as a way to express ourselves that more free we become with our emotions. This can give a greater clarity around what we are writing about (whether it be an event or a feeling), this can also give us a bigger context and allow us to see the event of feeling as part of our whole rather than being defined by that moment. 


Creative journaling is also a very valid way of expressing our thoughts and ideas, I enjoy both therapeutic writing and creative. Creative journaling can help when you need to 'brain dump' or have a lot ideas around a project or enjoy collecting quotes or doddling, this also has huge metal health benefits. Creative journaling can include a collection of ideas, a place to be present in the moment and nurturing yourself.


Some of the benefits of journaling are 


  • Reduces Stress - when we bring our internal thoughts out into the physical in makes them more manageable and less likely to take root 


  • Regulate Emotions - according to research writing freely reduces the activity in the part of the brain responsible for controlling emotions (amygdala). This means that when feeling an intense emotion such as anxiety, anger or overwhelm you can gain some control and calmness through writing 


  • Improve overall Well-being - through regular writing you are contently checking in with yourself , becoming more in tune with your thoughts and feelings, understanding where your emotions are coming from and having a coping toolbox. This is turn has a positive impact on your physical health. 


  • Development of Emotional Intelligence - an outcome for understanding your own emotions is that you can develop a better understanding of others emotions (empathy) 


  • Enhances Personal Empowerment - when are able to explore our own thoughts and feeling in a safe way we realise that we can take control of our thoughts and feelings. Writing freely can help you learn new things about yourself and can be incredibly empowering as you realise that you are in control of your life


journaling summer
autumn journaling

Purchase your copy of 

Journaling Through the Seasons

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