No I don’t mind feet!
Yes they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes but I think your feet are very important, even if you don’t like them

I’m Holly and I founded Little Bird Reflexology in 2018.
I started training as a reflexologist in 2017 when I was pregnant with my second child, which looking back was probably a little crazy! What else was I going to do with my maternity leave but exams and case studies?
But why did I do this?
Up until 2017 I was a Nursery Teacher which is the most rewarding position, but there came a point after having my own children where I needed a change.
I chose to study and retrain as a reflexologist for a number of reasons, one of them being able to work around my family.
However the main reason is that I love reflexology, I have been seeing a reflexologist regularly since 2009. It has helped me manage the pain in my shoulder; saw me through surgery and through both of my pregnancies.
As well as these major health events reflexology has been great for my general wellbeing and stress management over the years.
Just think what reflexology could do for you?
But who is Holly?
Mum, Wife, Refelxologist....
All of these, I have 2 children and my husband at home with me.
I love to be by the sea, it’s a very calming place for me and my children love the ice cream! My favorite ways to relax are reading, gardening and gaming (I have been told I don’t look like a gamer?)
Although my absolute favorite way to relax is of course at my regular reflexology treatment.
If you would like to keep up to date with Little Bird Reflexology you can sign up to my blog
I hope to see you in my reflexology chair soon
Holly x