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New Look for Little Bird Holly Reflexology and Journaling

Welcome to my new look website! I have been so very busy over the last 18 months. Diving head first into a new branch for little bird!

In the summer of 2022 I wanted to start sharing my love of journaling, share the seasonal and moon journaling that I was using to support my daily well-being. So in December 2022 I held my first journaling and meditation circle at Keshet Crystals in Petersfield.

I loved it! It was such a joy to see other use the tool of journaling the way I enjoy to use it.

These circles have continued monthly at Keshet Crystals, and I've sat in circle with many women over the year. Many who have returned each month, continuing their journey through the seasons.

Whilst holding the circles I was also writing a journal to publish. This journal takes on a journey through the year supporting you to notice how the season change and how you can a line your body and mind with nature. It was project of love and all of the prompts in the journal have been written by me. The beautiful illustrations were created by my lovely friend Wendy of Spring in her Step. I then decided not to publish through Amazon but to self print instead as it felt more personal.

As the in person circles have grown I am now holding Journaling and Meditation Circles in Bordon too, at The Beehive Hogmoor.

So the new branch is called Little Bird Journaling

I am still very much doing reflexology too! I love reflexology and will continue to provide beautiful relaxing reflexology treatments in my treatment room.

I hope to support you with your wellbeing soon, either through journaling or reflexology.

Holly x

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